Canadian Society for Philosophical Practice
Société Canadienne pour la Pratique Philosophique

The Journal for Philosophical Practice

All manuscripts must be sent by June 30th, 2004 for inclusion in the next issue.

For more information, please contact:  Chantal Beauvais.

For Submission Guidelines click here.

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Call for Papers!

The Journal for Philosophical Practice electronically publishes, in English and French, articles in all branches of practical philosophy and is open to contributions from any philosophical perspective. 

By philosophical practice we understand activities comprising: personal philosophical counselling; philosophical coaching and consulting, facilitation of public philosophical dialogues (cafe or salon philosophy); mediation through philosophy of personal, social and cultural conflict; writing (both popular and scholarly) and professional publication of leading research in these areas; collaboration among practitioners in these activities; and all related activities that employ philosophy broadly conceived to enrich human knowledge and ameliorate the human condition. 

The articles and reviews in The Journal for Philosophical Practice are double-blind peer reviewed.

The Journal for Philosophical Practice welcomes contributions from philosophers engaging in or supportive of the practice of philosophy, as well as all academics and professionals in related disciplines, including academic philosophers, psychologists, social workers, therapists, counsellors and other practitioners with expertise in areas other than philosophy who share an interest in the philosophical dimensions of human well-being.

The Journal for Philosophical Practice

All manuscripts must be sent by June 30th, 2004 to be considered for the next issue.

For more information, please contact: Chantal Beauvais  

The Journal for Philosophical Practice publishes in French and English. For information in French on submitting, please see: 

For Submission Guidelines click here.




Canadian Society for Philosophical Practice

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